Be a good guest. Never arrive to a dinner or a party empty handed. Bring a gift: flowers, food, drink, etc.


It’s best not to cuss but writing bad words is even worse than speaking them. Even in casual texting, etc. Always an asterisk in place of a vowel to avoid being rude.


You can’t be a good parent if you’re a miserable person. Take care of yourself. Make the changes necessary to get in a good place. Ask for help. The happier you are, the happier they will be.

1, 10, 15

Find one or two scary documentaries on the dangers of gambling. Watch together. Betting on sports is a big thing in some schools and I want to scare the $@!#% out of him about how bad gambling can screw up his life. Check online tools from gamblers anonymous.


Toddler not interested in food? Hand them a random kitchen gadget to play with while you’re feeding them dinner, they’ll eat more if distracted.


Don’t be a dick.


“But what is grief if not love preserving?” - Unknown


Listen to records, a whole album at a time. 2 or 3 in a row. Bring friends, eat, drink, hangout, be goofy, dance, etc.


When they’re upset just ask what they need: space, distraction, or talk about it.


Are they (we) getting enough quiet?

8, 12-14

Painful or unpleasant emotions can’t grow if you stay in the present. (Easy way to do this is to focus on your breathing.)

10, 13, 16, 21

Google earth app means there's always a globe at hand. Point out states, countries or oceans when we hear about them.


Do feel like you’re where you’re supposed to be?

19, 21

Learn about current trends in social media. Figure out where you draw boundaries, what platforms are allowed and not. Teach them how to stay safe, be positive and kind and always respectful.


I promise I will never snoop. No matter how curious I am, I will not violate your privacy. But if I ever think you may be in danger I will break any promise and any law I have to in order to keep you safe.

10, 12, 14, 15

Visit the Grand Canyon together


Healing doesn’t mean becoming the best version of yourself. It’s learning to love even the worst parts about yourself.

17, 21

Remember your training and staying calm and kind is how you get through this. It’s all you need to excel. So do your homework, whatever it may be. Show up and have at it. Calm and kind, baby. You got this.

9, 12, 14, 18, 21

The mind replays what the heart wants to heal.


Look into Rustic Pathways to see the world and do some good.



Emotional pain is just like physical wound- you can choose to ignore it but it will only fester. Address the pain. Literally talk to it, and listen to it- it’s got so much to say.

11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21

Visit Aunt Janet in Morehead City for Seafood Festival in October


Know the difference between an inconvenience and a tragedy. Hint: If it can be fixed with money or effort, it’s probably not a tragedy.

15, 20

Compete for the last meatball at Sunday dinner: Biggest burp, telling the best story, finished vegetables first, etc.


American Sign Language course


Don’t worry about finding your person. Focus on finding your people.

15, 21

Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Who, Lynyard Skynard. Listen with headphones, listen alone, listen with friends. So many more good bands but if you start with these you’ll be well on your way.

15, 17, 21

When someone suffers the loss of a loved one, don't shy away. Go to the service. Check in during the months following. Say the name of the person who died when you talk to them. Forward pictures of the loved one if you have any, share stories. There are exceptions to this, so always take your queue from the person who is grieving.


Don’t let someone have to tell you twice that they don’t want you. Nothing good comes from hanging on after that.

15, 21

If you’re having trouble finding your passion, read biographies and memoirs of people from all walks of life. There are so many worlds out there! You’ll find one that excites you, where your unique talents and skill set can shine.