Don’t worry if they’re not listening to what you say...They watch what you do. They study it.


“But what is grief if not love preserving?” - Unknown


Give yourself a break from thinking about yourself.

13, 16, 21

“It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to grieve. Because you can also live your life, and love your life, and be happy too.” Excellent advice from 9/11 survivor.

12, 15, 19

Today is not the day to lose your sh*t. Deep breaths, cold water, do your hair. You’re gonna be just fine.


Your good name is the most important credential you’ll ever have. Act with integrity in all things, that ben if it means short-term pain. Build a reputation for honesty, dependability and trustworthiness.

14, 17, 20

Pray for the courage to be yourself.

10, 13, 15, 17, 21

YouTube Randy Pauch The Last Lecture. Watch together.


Emotional pain is just like physical wound- you can choose to ignore it but it will only fester. Address the pain. Literally talk to it, and listen to it- it’s got so much to say.

11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21

Practice "shaking off the sleepy." It's hard to wake up when your body is screaming for more sleep. If you practice, you'll get better. Get up, get in the shower and shake off the sleepy. It works!

6, 7, 13-15

Creepy is as creepy does - it’s not something you “are” it’s something you do. If you don’t want to be a creep then don’t f*cking act like one. People have a right to live their lives without being intruded upon. Don’t lurk, if you want to get to know someone tell them. Invite them to do something together or just hang out. If they’re not interested then drop it. You can ask again only if they have clearly signaled they changed their mind. (Which is more likely to happen if you respect their boundaries.)

13, 16, 19, 21

Check out fencing. Local fencing club has classes for kids and adults all ages. They also do birthday parties, so that might be something different that would be fun for him and his friends.


Which line of poetry would you get tattooed?


Brambly Hedge series by Jill Barklem.


Being accountable means saying that I was responsible for making sure this did not happen - but it did happen. I accept the blame and an prepared to incur the consequences. I will work earnestly to earn back your trust and confidence. The opposite of accountability is to make excuses or blame someone else for your mistake.

10, 18

Get book “Talk to Me First: Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids'Go-To Person about Sex.” by Deborah Roffman.


Respect people’s privacy. No snooping, eavesdropping, peeping, etc.


Make sure they have resources other than us. Hotlines for teens such as Boys Town National Hotline, National $@!#% Prevention Lifeline, etc.


Some relationships (or jobs) are f*cked, and cannot be unf*cked. Release them and move on.


Open a Bank Account


Think about building a career. Take low-paying or no-paying jobs that will give you the experience you need to build it. It's not all about the paycheck, especially when you're young and don't have too many bills to pay.


Write “thank you” notes, send pics of them wearing the outfit Grandma gave, etc. You get so many gifts...Be a grateful recipient.


You’ve been entrusted with so much. Think about how much of an honor that is, and how big a responsibility.

16, 18, 21

In the wise words of Taylor Swift, you don’t have to forgive or forget in order to move on. You can just…move on.

15, 21

When you know better, do better. No one is born a fully actualized human being! We are all in the process of becoming who we wish to be.

16, 21

Never say anything behind someone's back that you wouldn't say to their face.

11, 14, 18

For parties, collect cell phones and put them in a basket. "Parent calls only. Enjoy the people here! They're pretty awesome!"


“The more you sweat, the less you bleed.” True in boxing and in life. Put the work in. No shortcuts.

14, 18, 21

So many young adults (and older one too) suffer from a lack of direction, living life without a sense of purpose. ______Here’s my advice: **Do what you love**. ____If you don’t know what that is yet (totally okay) then *go where you’re needed.**___ Make yourself USEFUL doing some sort of work that makes the world (or your family or your community or your country) a better place. Please don’t sit around playing video games or goofing off. That will make you miserable! ___ AND it’s a waste of God’s work (you.) Get busy. _____Stay involved in anything you care about deeply, or that needs you desperately. It will feed your soul and open all kinds of doors.

12, 14, 17

When you apologize don’t offer excuses just acknowledge your mistake, apologize for the consequences, and assure them it won’t happen again.

12, 16, 21