Life is for the living. It’s okay to move on. It’s okay to laugh and dream, work, to party, to rest rest, etc. you honor the dead by living your life. Everyone meets up in the end anyway!

19, 21

Ask him for Christmas present: recite Andy Weir’s “The Egg.” Bonus points for memorization! Also great idea for audition tape. )I’m assuming you’ll be in theater!) xoxo


Two rules: First, don’t be a sh!tty person. 2. Try to have some fun. Everything else is just “whatever.”

13, 21

Teach them about Oliver Cromwell’s rule: “I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken.” Leave room for your mind to be changed by new evidence or perspective.


Let go of things that aren’t good for you. Anger, fear, prejudice, obsession, grudges, snark, etc.

16, 21

Sesame Street has great resources on teaching finances to little ones.


When you’re older, remember that stuff like video games, alcohol, junk food, gambling, porn, and a whole host of other vices can turn on you, and become an addiction that wrecks your health, relationships or even your life. You don’t have to give up all this stuff, but keep them to a minimum. How often and how much is a big difference. It’s the difference between meeting a friend for a beer or two and walking into work hungover most days. Remember: You decide- How often and how much.

13, 16, 19

“For better or worse means no matter what life throws at us, not no matter what you do to me.” - Brenda Linn

19, 21

Hold yourself to account when you screw up but give yourself some grace. Instead of “I’m such a terrible person” ask yourself “”How can I make up for this? What can I learn from this? How can I do better next time?”

10, 12, 15, 19

There are a lot of people I care about. But I’ve decided there are only four whose opinion of me I care about: My kid, my god, myself and my dog.


Start a vegetable garden.


Kids (and people of all ages) need attention, affection and appreciation. It’s not all they need, but it’s a start!


Some people have more money than sense. Just because u can afford something doesn’t mean you should buy it.


Sioux Nation quote: No one heals himself by wounding another.


Look for answers where truth, laughter, kindness, beauty, compassion and love are found. (Not in outward appearances or illusions of perfection. Not in cynicism, apathy or destructiveness.)

10, 13, 16, 19, 21

If they’re not doing anything dangerous, illegal or immoral, let them be. Give them space and independence. (Just first define dangerous/ illegal/ immoral. Then remind them that you are here and would love to hear about anything they want to share.)


“ It was my high school drama teacher who made sure I knew there was space for me in this world. Her kind words had a tremendous impact on my life. If you don’t know where to begin, start with “I see you. I love you. I’m so happy you’re here.”   -Chasten Buttigieg


Teen years are a whole other ballgame. Find a community and stay up with trends and news. Check out the website Raising Teens Today.


Be a good guest. Never arrive to a dinner or a party empty handed. Bring a gift: flowers, food, drink, etc.


Great message about not letting people hurt you just because they have painful scars. Their scars aren’t yours to heal, and you deserve to be treated well. Very well.

15, 21

Google earth app means there's always a globe at hand. Point out states, countries or oceans when we hear about them.


No one is ever really ready to be a parent. It’s definitely on the job training! But I’ll say this: If you’re prepared to put your family’s needs before your own, you’re as ready as anyone can be.


Universal Studios


Go for walks together as a family before or after dinner. Sometimes we go for distance, sometimes we call them "safaris" and look for as many living creatures as we can find.


Love isn’t enough but it’s a great start.


Begin colon cancer screening at 40. We have a family history on both sides.


Motivation: Just start. Two minutes. You don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going to give yourself a chance to feel good.


“The flower does not dream of the bee. It blossoms


Someone I admire is __________. Talk about someone you admire and why. Ask them to do the same. Do this often as you can. Reticket through age 18.


Help him practice having tense conversations without getting a tone of voice.