Procrastinating is an Olympic sport for those of us with ADHD. Talk about ways to get “unstuck.” 1. Change your body - move to a different room or take a walk. 2. If you can’t move your body, move your focus. 3. Ask your brain how it’s trying to help you by paralyzing you. 4. Take deep breaths and let go of the shame and self-doubt you feel for getting stuck.

8, 9, 10, 14, 21

Put down your phone and be in the moment. Teach this. Model this.


“But what is grief if not love preserving?” - Unknown


Watch film “Radio” (2003) and talk about being brave. Teach them that doing what’s right takes courage.


It’s not a project, it’s a practice. (Health, fitness, keeping up with current events, prayer or meditation, housework, reading, etc.)


Don’t be a dick.


Toddlers fall... a lot. Most falls are harmless but sometimes bad accidents happen. Head injuries are scary because they bleed and swell. If bleeding doesn't stop within a few minutes or you can see it's a big gash, head to the urgent care. And remember if the swelling goes out (“goose egg”) that’s a good thing: Better out than in.


Robin Williams was one of the best examples of how to be a good human.

15, 19, 21

“For better or worse means no matter what life throws at us, not no matter what you do to me.” - Brenda Linn

19, 21

Tragedy may occur in your life, but it does not need to define your life. YOU get to do that...through the choices you make. _______I know you’ll make good ones. xo


Read “Lighter” by Yung Pueblo. Read it every year.

17, 19, 21

Begin planning trip for 10th bday. Maybe to Atlantis in Bahamas or someplace he’d be excited about._____Get him involved in planning and saving.


Work the problem backwards. Start with the solution (desired outcome) and count down from there each step. Some steps will be small, some big. But you’ll get there!

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Remember: “C’s get degrees.” Don’t tie yourself in knots over grades.

17, 18

Seek / Accept job offers that teach you something valuable. Now isn’t the time in your life to worry about the money or status. Get experience! Have fun, learn, grow, challenge yourself and try new things.


Change “I need to” to “this matters because”. Instead of “I need to walk the dog” say “it matters that I walk the dog because he needs exercise and to check p-mail.” (Helps!)

8, 11, 16, 21

Go as a family to local high school musical productions.


Love isn’t enough but it’s a great start.


A dear friend of the family used to swear by the many healing properties of Seabreeze (alcohol based astringent.) She’d prescribe it for everything from sunburn to bug bites, rashes and scrapes. it stung like heck but she was right: The stuff is a miracle! I always keep a bottle Seabreeze around and think of Mimi every time I use it.


Golf lessons this year. Your grandpa loved golf. He tried to teach me when he first got sick, and those are some of my best memories of him. Great way to get fresh air and exercise too.


Never trust your tongue when your heart is bitter. Hush until you heal.

12, 18

Plan a neighborhood "Winter Olympics" for snow days. Create indoor and outdoor events.


Work towards your goal. If you screw-up, fix it. The worst thing you could do is give up just because you made a mistake. Nobody’s perfect. Keep going!

14, 19

Don’t use a bad word when you can use a good word.


When disciplining remember: First acknowledge the emotion, then address the behavior.

2-4, 13, 15


You're about to come into a ton of energy and strength. It will seem like a lot to manage at first, but you'll get used to it and learn to use it constructively. Push your limits (within reason.) Challenge yourself.


“Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage.” -Danielle Le Port

15, 18

Sex is something you do *with* someone, not *to* them. It should never be about scoring or bragging. It doesn’t make you a man. A man is someone who respects himself and others


If it makes you happy it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else.

11, 14, 20

Considering taking meds for your mental health but concerned about the side effects? Consider the side effects of *not* taking them! Meds don’t turn you into someone you’re not, they lift the murky fog around your brain so you can be more yourself. It’s the depression that changes you. Meds just help you get rid of the fog.

18, 21