Start a yearly “review” right before school year. Raise allowance as appropriate. If they want more money, they’ll have to take on more responsibilities.


A hard day’s work is something to be proud of, not afraid of.

8, 12, 15, 20

Honestly I think all religions are at least fifty percent bull pucky and none of them come close to reflecting the loving nature of God, which is broader and deeper than our little brains can grasp. So pick your poison. Whatever religion feels like home, like a place that can provide context for you to explore the goodness and beauty at the heart of the universe…that’s the religion for you. And if no religion fits the bill, that’s fine too. Either way, always remember and keep coming back to the knowledge that you are so very loved.

16, 21

On grief: CS Lewis said somewhere that it isn’t just that his friend died, it’s that the part of him that only his friend could bring out would never be brought out again.

17, 21

“Pay yourself first” means save before you spend. You never know when you’ll need to tap into savings, so build it up early and heartily.


“If you want to be beautiful, make beautiful choices.” - (Greek philosopher whose name I can’t remember.)

10, 13, 17, 21

When driving in the car with your kids, ask them to count motorcycles, cyclists, pedestrians. Prize to the highest count! This will train them to be on the lookout for them.


Use timers to motivate and structure. "Better have your jammies on and teeth brushed by the time the timer goes off!" Using a simple timer helps things not drag on and on.


Fire drills. Practice what to do, where to go if the house is on fire. Have an escape plan.


Sometimes you have to put aside how you feel about a person and objectively look at how their actions show how they feel about *you.*


Spread kindness like confetti.

12, 21

The universe is cheering for you!

14, 16, 18, 20

Learn how to release energy consciously, or you’ll end up releasing it unconsciously onto your loved ones in a negative way like yelling or arguing. Breathe, sing, shout, cry, sweat, play, bake, whatever floats your boat!


My favorite Chinese food order is chicken Kung Pao, shrimp fried rice and beef lo mein. That way we all get a little of each meat.


One of my favorite things is the smell of celery and onion being sautéed in butter. It’s the smell I woke up to on so many Thanksgiving mornings as my mom was making the stuffing.


“In the middle of the pain you didn’t cause, the change you didn’t want, the reality you didn’t know was coming . . . your life can still be beautiful.” Lysa TerKeurst


Summer Olympics for neighborhood kids. Create events in all kinds of sports, games and skills. Mix it up so the littler ones and the less athletically inclined have something they can succeed at too.


Go as a family to local high school musical productions.



Two words: Kinetic Sand.


Super good-looking people often don’t develop good people skills because they’ve been able to get by on their looks. Listen! Beauty fades. Get curious about people who don’t necessarily catch your eye right away.

16, 19, 21

“Be brave. Be resilient. Be kind. Be grateful.” -Hillary Rodham Clinton


Discuss the definition And ramifications of sexual misconduct (harassment, consent, etc.)


“Praise in public. Discipline in private.” This is good advice for when you’re a parent and for when you’re a boss.


Check your ego. Often.

17, 21

Talk to him about applying to Democracy Summer program started by Rep. J. Raskin.


When someone introduces themselves as transgender, it’s no big deal. Simply say “nice to meet you” or “cool.” Then politely ask “What are your pronouns?” And then you know how they prefer to be addressed.


You are 100% replaceable at work. You are not replaceable at home. A good work ethic is crucial but don’t drain yourself to the point that you don’t have anything left for your family and friends.


No threats, not even jokingly.


Teach them about the law and how it applies to them: Here's what happens if you hurt someone, steal, drive drunk, use or sell drugs, sexting, etc.


Tragedy may occur in your life, but it does not need to define your life. YOU get to do that...through the choices you make. _______I know you’ll make good ones. xo