Kitchen knife skills. Know how to properly and safely cut, slice, chop, dice, carve, etc.

15, 21

Practice road-rage roll playing. People are NUTS! It's hard to imagine how you'll react when someone gets aggressive with you. Let's practice staying calm when someone is shouting and in your face.


Marriage tip: King sized blanket on Queen size bed.


Work Hard. Do your best. Keep your word. Never get too big for your britches. Trust in God. Have no fear

15, 21

Universal Studios


Never pretend o know what you don’t know. But you can bluff your way through a lot of interviews just by doing a 30 minute Google search. Research the company, the industry, its governing body, key terms, awards, criticism, etc. Check out their social media.

17, 19, 21

Appreciate other cultures when traveling or interacting among people from different cultures. Once on a mission trip, the locals brought coffee and cookies by in the afternoons, but I never took any. I regret that lost opportunity for connection.

14, 18, 21

Beware of those forces that aim to pit good people against each other. Injustices hurt our sensibilities- as they should. So instead of bickering about who’s been wronged worse, let’s join hands and fight injustice on every front. If you get caught up in comparisons, everyone loses.


Rain, snow or sleet...Always return the shopping cart to the proper spot in the parking lot.


I wrestle with leaving the church but I want to save you a lifetime of feelings of unworthiness. It’s totally normal to feel like you’re not good enough. We all battle those kinds of insecurities, so the last thing we need is to be taught that God thinks it too. Know that in reality we are all precious, down to the subatomic level. So when you think you’re unworthy, shake it off! You belong in every room you enter.

13, 15, 21

Never allow anyone to tell you who you are.


No matter how late you are, don’t speed or drive unsafely. It’s not worth someone’s life or limbs.

18-18, 21

Date all kinds but marry someone who loves you for who you are, with whom you feel most yourself. Someone who will encourage you to grow more into the person you want to be. (And be good at encouraging them to do same.) Never fear or stifle each other’s growth. Celebrate it. Support it. Encourage it.


Discuss the concept that “It’s not always about you.” Some days need to be about supporting someone else in their joy - or sorrow. Your needs take a backseat.

11, 14, 17

Being well-read is better (and cheaper) than an advanced degree, especially for broader education. Stay curious and read!! Fiction, non-fiction, biographies ...

15, 18, 21

Respect people’s privacy. No snooping, eavesdropping, peeping, etc.


Dress to people will listen to you, not look at you. (This is especially true at school and work.)

15, 18, 21

Visit the Grand Canyon together


Theme this year: Self Control (Repeat every year until age 99)


Talk about what patterns of abuse look like. Teach them to recognize red flags like love-bombing, isolating from friends and family, controlling behavior and threats of violence and/or self-harm.

14, 16, 20, 21

Police officers and members of the military put their lives on the line to protect us. Be respectful of them and thank them for their service.


Toddler years: Tater tots make everything better. The smaller ones cook faster and you don't have to turn them.


Major life events such as the birth of a baby, graduations, new job, (lost job) are a big deal. Make a fuss. Take an interest in loved ones’ experiences. Acknowledge their feelings. Express a sincere interest in others (young and old) will profoundly affect your relationships.

15, 19

Start saving for retirement with your very first paycheck. Put away the MAX, you’ll never miss it. If the company doesn’t offer 401k then we’ll open a Roth IRA.


Don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from.


Kitchen Commandment: She who cooks the dinner shall not clean up from dinner. I don't want to raise any of you to take housework for granted. It's hard. It's unfair and not cool to expect anyone (parent, spouse, roommate, etc. )to wait on you.


Quoting Glennon Doyle: “Things can feel hard and sad and still be exactly right, all at the same time.” She’s referring to her divorce but the sentiment applies to all kinds of tough choices that we all make. Very few choices feel 100% right.


Have them practice making trade offs based on their financial priorities. For example: Pedicure or movie?


Follow love and kindness wherever they may take you and you’ll be fine. xoxo

13, 17, 21

Read the Hobbit aloud with him. Afterward, encourage him to read The Lord of the Rings by himself.